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Quick Tips: Guide to getting good sleep while traveling

We’ve all tossed, turned, woken up sore or cranky and possibly both while trying to enjoy a vacation. There are few things that can make for a miserable trip than being tired the whole trip because of your sleeping arrangements. Unfamiliar beds, smells, sounds and lights can make for a miserable night. If you aren’t one of those people who sleeps like the dead no matter where you are, chances are, you’re going to need to prepare a little to get a good night’s rest while you’re traveling. So from the travel pros, here are our tips on how to enjoy a wonderful night of rest in an unfamiliar place.

  1. Start with making it feel like home. Bring your own pillow or at the very least, your own pillow case. The familiar feel and smell of your own pillowcase is a simple but very effective way to help you fall asleep easily. If I’m driving or going by train, my pillow is with me. If I’m flying, I bring my pillowcase and make sure to set a reminder to bring it back! If you use a white noise machine or play music via a smart device, bring it with you. If you aren’t comfortable bringing the machine, search for similar sounds or stations you can play on your phone or tablet while it’s charging at night.

  2. If you use a specific scented spray on your bedding try bringing a little spritzer with that scent in it to spray on the bed. For example, we use a Bath & Body Works Firecracker Pop spritz on our bed at home (and in a wallflower plug in). So when we go on a trip, I pour a little of the spritz into a 2oz spray bottle and take it with me. I also bring our wallflower nightlight and an unopened fragrance pack and plug it up in the bathroom area which usually fills the whole room. This keeps the familiar scent of home in the air. Always be sure to use a fabric safe spritz so you don’t damage the bedding.

  3. Keep up with your nighttime routine. If you normally wash your face, put on body lotion, brush your hair and teeth, put on pjs and snuggle up with a magazine before bed, do the same thing when you’re traveling. It’s easy to get out of sync because you are often exhausted, but when you start skipping the things you normally do, you can feel like you are forgetting something important which makes your sleep uneasy. Don’t take away from your normal bedtime rituals. If you normally set an alarm to wake up, be sure to set it before you go to bed so you aren’t worrying about oversleeping.

  4. Add a little luxury. Do you sleep better when it’s dark and quiet? If so, bring ear plugs/covers and an sleep mask to help block out the noise and light of unfamiliar surroundings. If you are aching and tired, soak in a tub with some Epsom salts or add a calming shower vapor tablet to a hot shower to help you relax. Drink a nice glass of wine or a hot cup of relaxing tea. Put on a face mask, use a handheld massager on your back and feet or do a night time meditation. Whether it’s for vacation or business, including a little something extra to help you relax can be very beneficial and help you sleep well in a new place.

  5. Talk to your doctor before your trip to see if they recommend using a sleep aid. Melatonin gummies, ZzzQuil, and other OTC supplements and medications can help with falling asleep and staying asleep, but you definitely want to check with your physician before taking any medication or adding any supplement.

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